Sunday, May 19, 2013


Gallery: Word of Power
Location: Ireland
Owner: Josh MacLeod
Type of Art: Christ Based


Exhibition Title
-Pisteuo and elpizo (believe and hope)
-Thomas kinkade
-Brian Jekel
-Greg Olson
-Carl Bloch
-William Adolphe-Bouguereau
-Leonardo daVinci
-Bobby Shaw
-Ron DiCianni
-Morgan Weistling

My purpose for this Exhibition is to show the hope and the belief that comes from just seeing Jesus Christ in paintings. He has been the key figure in the most renowned artist. These paintings also have a connection to the fact that there is a deep curiosity in this Jesus Christ that lived more than 2,000 years ago. His words still impact the world we live in and also the art. All the artist except maybe one or two felt a calling on their talents, and that is to spread the good news out to people in the best way they knew or know how.


Kissing the Face of God by Morgan Weistling
-Morgan Weistling
-Kissing the Face of God
-December, 2008
Morgans Father and mother were both art students. He always knew he wanted to be an artist. He started gaining popularity at one man art shows which sold out five times. He likes to use his art to portray Christian values. This work was created after the artist heard a song about kissing the face of God and his imagination took him from there. I chose this work due to its joyful presence it has a true feeling of hope and love.


Ron DiCianni - He Holds the Keys
-Ron DiCianni
-He holds the keys
Ron uses his art to reach people all around the world to hopefully shine light on who Christ is and what He did. "In He Holds the Keys, notice the beam of light coming from the top of the stairway representing the fact that Jesus descended from Heaven in order to defeat Satan. Satan no longer holds any power, but through Jesus' death, blood and resurection, Christ conquered all. " The reason I picked this painting was due to the nature of how Christ controlled the sin and death situation we created.


-Bobby Shaw
-Jesus Smiling
-Pencil/ Portrait art
Bobby is a young student from Nazarene college in Ohio. He mostly does works to give Glory to God. The work above is reminiscent of the Jesus played in the Passion of the Christ. I chose it mainly due to the fact that this is a young artist chasing after his dream, doing what he loves to do. the art above is very peaceful and gives a sense of hope with the big warm smile on Jesus' face.  


-Leonardo da vinci
-Last supper
-13 by 29
I don't think I have to say much about Leonardo but that he was and is one of the most influential artists of all time. Da Vinci painted this for a Church in Santa Maria. I chose this one mainly because of its popularity it is a great work that really shows the curiosity that Christ brought to his audience almost 2000 years ago. I do believe that this work does have a very secular feel to it and most people today use this as a joke not a work of art.


Three Marys at the Tomb - William-Adolphe Bouguereau -
-William-Adolphe Bouguereau
-Three Mary's at the Tomb
-painting, Portrait
William was born in France and loved painting very realistic works. His fame started to skyrocket later in his life and his artwork where able to have a large price tag. But William fell quickly as taste of the buyers changed quickly.
This work was chosen by me for the exhibit due to its peaceful hope, belief and astonishment that comes with it.